The Medical Points Abroad Splinting Kit contains enough materials to create a basic splint.
If you don't know what you are doing, get training.First Aid is not hard. People have been infecting this planet for thousands of years without modern medi-cine. Some skills let you continue infecting the planet for longer...
This kit can be used for both two and four legged organisms. We would prefer that it is not used on spiders or eight-legged goats, but once you purchase it, it is ultimately up to you.
It is only really useful on creatures that currently possess a skeletal structure and jointed limbs. It may be ineffective on quadruple amputees.
This will not be effective for splinting a broken femur (upper long bone of the leg), nor the complete spine. Go take a wilderness medicine class to learn how to manage those…
Kit Contents
- (2) Aluminum Splints
- (2) Elastic Bandage
- (1) Coban Roll/Vet Wrap
- (4) Cravats
- (2) Rolled Gauze